Sunday, February 05, 2006


Today I am going to deal with my bent on the political situation. No, I am not going to waste any time on the bullshit that is George W Bush. I have no need to re-hash what others are saying. What I want to do is, hopefully, energize the general public into doing something for themselves. It is a fact, due to our Constitution, that WE run the country. Why is it, then, that we continue to worry about what, "THEY" do. Wake the fuck up my friends, and even those who are not!! It is US not THEY who are in control. It is high time that we took back the control we were given by the founding fathers. If we want something to change, WE must make that happen.

How many times have you heard about something, "THEY" have dome and what, "THEY" should do to fix it? The thing is... WE have to get off our collective asses and make it happen. I no longer care about "THEM". My local, state and federal representatives find it to be a bother, I am gathering as they have yet to respond to my inquiries and wonderings, to "waste their time with some measly constituent." I only want to know how what was written to protect our country and country persons has taken on a life of its own that does nothing of the sort. In fact, according to how I have been reading it lately, the government has, as if it is its own entity, decided to tell US what to do.

Taxation without representation... Did you all, especially in the Cleveland area, vote for the new stadium to be millions of dollars over budget? I would suspect not. Did you want Governor Taft to continue to add more to his coffers? No, probably not.

We need to be more vocal. I know I like to and am more than willing to bitch about things, but I am unable to make changes on my own. Let us think, for a short time, about the fact that the Ohio school funding formula has been deemed unconstitutional. This is a ruling from approximately ten years ago. What has happened due to this ruling, I ask? Not a whole fucking hell of a lot. In all truth, it has cost us, the lowly tax payers, even more money. With the constant battles regarding each committees read of the laws and the attorneys involved, each school system could have had thousands, if not millions, more dollars in operating money. Instead, our "intelligent" and I most assuredly use that term loosely, representatives, have used this time to fight. How about sitting down and thinking about what is best for the children? I know this is a concept beyond comprehension for most. BUT, is this not what education is all about? What is best for the children not what is best for the political factions pretending to focus on the kids? You tell me!!! Some future installment will deal with the inner workings of schools from an excommunicated insider. Again... Thanks for listening and I hope to be in contact soon... For the better...JES


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