Sunday, March 05, 2006

Politics and the consumer

Where to begin where to begin???? I don't know about you, isn't that obvious(and we humans tend to best at stating the obvious do we not?)? But, I always though that WE were the government. Is one of the basic tenets of the US Constitution not "Of the People For the People and By the People?" I thought so. In that case, then why is it that everybody, including those most able to lend their voices vocally, the celebrities, insistent upon calling it the government. Not that we don't all fall victim to that at some times. More specifically, I want to know why most of us say things such as: "They should fix the roads." "They should have a better policy to deal with welfare." and other such inane statements. Am I the only one who remembers that it is we, not they, who are responsible for the governing of our country. It seems that the farther we move from the founding of this great country, the less we remember what it is we are supposed to stand for. The government has become its own entity and a behemoth out of control. We not only hold but OWN the reins. Let us all take a look at what we have created and make the attempt to take back the control that we have forsaken these past hundred years. The next few writings will deal with more specific rants. Have a great day and stay safe. Thanks for listening..


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