Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sky Bank (Financial Services)

This is an open letter to all of you who deal with Sky Bank. I am thoroughly disgusted with the handling of a situation which should never have even happened. I was charged with four overdrafts in one day from NSF that was actually not true. In fact three of them would have gone through regardless but you, in your infinite ability to charge anyone in any underhanded manner possible, took the highest payment first thereby ensuring that I would have not only one overdraft but four.

Thanks for looking out for your customers.

In fact, though there should not have even been one overdraft. I paid my Wells Fargo Mortgage online and then, within ten minutes, deposited over $1800.00 in my account, yes it was via the ATM, but the ATM is directly connected to the building and I have never had a problem doing the exact same thing before. Also, when you pay online there is a disclaimer stating that the payment would not have been sent to the company for approximately two days. This, again, should have ensured that I was fine. The manager of my branch took care of two overdrafts, but there is still the problem of the other two. They should NEVER have happened. AND, to make matters worse, my mortgage payment STILL HAS NOT POSTED. That means I will have a spot on my credit report because you made not one but five different mistakes over ten minutes. Make sure that payment is sent immediately and that you explain that it was your fault and yours alone that the mistake even happened.

You all know good and well that as soon as a check or draft is made the availability of funds is immediately determined. There is NO reason to have to wait for 24 hours, or, in fact, even one fucking hour for a check to "clear" or post. Banking never was customer oriented, BUT it hasn't been such a blatant rip-off and screw the little guy institution since the early part of the 20th century. Thanks for putting the FUCK back in FUCK YOU. I'm bending over. Can you hear me scream?


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