Sunday, July 30, 2006

That Fucking Steak and Shake in Mentor, Ohio

I am telling you. I don't know who it is running that restaurant, but there needs to be some real diligent cleaning of the house. I am not through with this yet, but need to take a break.

I went back the other day, 7/19/2006 at approximately 5PM, to get my corrected meal from the manager, he invited me personally through my email. As I walked through the door and asked for this manager, he eyed me with suspicion, not a good start, as I was dressed in working clothes as I had just dropped my vehicle off up the road. I told him who I was and asked if I could partake of the meal he offered. He said, "Yes, as long as I don't here anything more about it." I was flabbergasted. I could not believe he would have the audacity to say such a thing especially after I had written about his restaurant three time already. Then, to top it off, he said, "I thought you were bringing someone with you?" That was none of his business and certainly not something to say out loud where others could hear.

When the corporate office sent me $20.00 worth of gift dollars, I gave them away because I was so disgusted with the Mentor store. I will not ever, no matter what you try, go back there again. I also, will ensure that everyone I know steers clear of the place. I cannot believe someone could be that asinine.

There is credit to be given, though. My server was excellent. She waited my table with the utmost respect and handled the mistake she made with aplomb. I tipped her well as she greatly deserved it. Her name was Crystal.


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