Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gabriel Brother's in Mentor, Ohio

On September 12, 2006 I went to do some shopping for clothes at the Gabriel Brothers store in Mentor, Ohio. I will have to think long and hard before doing so again. I realize, ”It ain’t Sak’s Fifth Avenue.” But, that doesn’t give the corporate powers that be free reign to do as they wish and push customers from the store.

At the particular store of which I speak, there are only two dressing rooms available to guys. Both of these are also the “family dressing rooms” and/or the handicapped/disabled dressing rooms. Mind you, there are at least eight other rooms exclusively for women as is evident by the large sign reading, “No Men Beyond This Point.” So, if a man happens to come at a time when a woman and her little children happen to be in the store he is shit out of luck until they finish playing around and get the hell out of the dressing room. I think this is horribly sexist in an opposite from the norm manner. Why should I have to wait for someone just because she has children. There are no steps or anything else that would hinder her children from using another room, yet I was not allowed to use one she could have used. In fact, had I not already spent ½ hour trying to find things that were actually labeled with the correct size, I would have left after waiting 10 minutes. I actually had to wait for 15 minutes before a dressing room became available. That is absolutely disgusting.
Open up some fucking dressing rooms especially for guys you idiots. Are you stupid enough to think we are all a bunch of Neanderthals that don’t need to find out whether things fit or not? Well, wake up and smell the toast burning, not all of us are like that. I spent over $150.00 on shit in that store and would have done it again except for the asinine dressing room policy. Good move whomever the Jackass was at the head of that decision.


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