Saturday, January 12, 2008

AAA in the Cleveland area, again.

I really don't know what the hell is going on, but AAA is getting worse and worse. This is twice within one fucking week that they have not done what it is they are supposed to do. I went through their travel department to find a hotel in the Columbus area, mind you that is about 3 hours from my home, and was very specific in my request. Though they told me it was POSSIBLE, that part of my request might not be able to be granted, it WAS one of the mot important points I had made.

When I go out of town and go out drinking, which we planned to do, I smoke cigarettes. I know the country is going against that but there ARE still approximately 30 million smokers here in the United States, which is a large group of people to put on a proverbial "do not serve" list. When we arrived at the designated hotel, Quality Inn Suites on Clara Street, at approximately 1:30 AM Friday morning, we were told that the entire hotel was non-smoking. I was quite perturbed. The only place to smoke was out the front and around the corner. No windows opened and there were no balconies. We stayed for only the one night then went next door to the Comfort Inn to get a smoking room. I was told that they were both owned by the same company but the differing franchise made it what it was.

The problem with AAA is that I was told by the night clerk, upon arrival, that the place had been non-smoking since FUCKING MARCH of 2007. That is 10 months. I would think that AAA might know something like that, wouldn't you?

Now to the hotel itself: I walked into the vestibule and there was a "night window." It had a tray that was stuffed with a towel and the clerk was trying to say something to me. The speaker did not work and I could not understand what he was saying. Ultimately I did get it and he was telling me that the door was open, a sign would have helped that. Then, after we got into the room, I found that one of the beds had a cover, under the comforter, that had a cigarette burn in it. If they actually went non-smoking in March, then maybe, just maybe, they should have gotten new blankets without holes, don't ya think? I have a couple of photos to show you that prove what I mean.

This shit is fucking ridiculous.


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