This Election The Day of 04 November 2008
The election of 2008 is now coming to a close. Before you all read this it will have been decided, at least we hope. I have to say, and the majority of you would agree, this has been the most exciting, and at the same time exasperating, time I have ever seen in the politics of the United States of America. We have a man who is considered black on one side and too white on another, of course bringing up the race card for no fucking reason what-so-ever. We have a decorated war veteran, whom, it seems, wrecked three planes out of stupidity or arrogance. I am not sure which. We have an old guard democrat on the side of the “black” man and a neophyte governor of our largest yet smallest state on the republican side. Anyone who has been under a rock for the last couple of years needs me to say something about the absurdity of it all. The rest of you need to sit back and chuckle and/or share my angst with regard to some of the other stuff.
Barack Obama… The name has conjured some incredibly varied ideas amongst our fellow countrymen. First people played upon the “Muslim” ness of the name. Come on you fucking morons.. The man was named after his father. Did he choose the name? I’m thinking, now stop me if I could be wrong, he did not. Did you, George Bush, the one in the White House right now, choose your name??? Then they said his pastor was wrong for being fiery and making anti-American statements. While I do not fault their logic on the “anti-American” part, I do wonder how these very same people who had a problem with him being Muslim can complain about his Christian pastor. Is there something not a bit oxymoronic about that? Both religions want their followers to testify about the virtues, not denounce their membership. The man has said he is a Christian, so… he is a Christian. We have no reason to doubt him.
That aside, I am watching the early returns at just 7:30 EDT. What I am seeing, though far from conclusive at this point, shows me that we as a nation are a bunch of fucking morons. We are voting along racial lines and some of us still believe the BULLSHIT that was started earlier in the race. Why, if that is not the case, did the McCain camp bring up that asshole preacher? No other reason that to "remind us that Barack is too radical...etc." Fuck them!!! Maybe we need something a bit more radical. Obviously these war loving motherfuckers haven't done much but keep us ridiculously in debt AND have us in a very precarious world position. If something drastic were to happen, we would not have the troops to do much. Go fucking going!!!!!!!!!
I feel we are on the cusp of a new world order but I hope it is the correct path. I think if McCain and his people, especially that freak Palin, get into office, we will immediately be written off by the global community and be on our own for truly the first time. Even our staunchest allies will not be able to continue to support such a ridiculous regime. They say they are not Bush, well, I doubt that, and those of you with a brain will agree with me.
I know there are some of you voting for the McCain ticket almost purely on the Right to Life Issue. I am a Right to Life (er) myself, but backyard abortions and unwanted babies, no matter how repellent we may think it is, are worse. I work with many children who were probably unwanted and definitely not correctly cared for. Though I would never wish to have not had the pleasure of working with them, I hate to think of the horrors they have been through in their lives.
I am off on a tangent, but I cannot bear to think of our country being run by a cry baby little rich boy. Barack is a self-made man who has gone through some shit my friends. Who among us has not? Not many. Yes, McCain was a prisoner of war, but read some of the things people who were there with him have to say. Pick up the Rolling Stone issue number: 1063 and read the Make Believe Maverick article. It will open your eyes, but I hope it is not too late.
I hope against hope that we do the right thing and give this a chance. I mean, why would anyone be dumb enough to agree with a statement such as that made by the Republican camp regarding how Barack wants to NEGOTIATE rather than jump into war. Are we not, in general, taught from early on that fighting is not the answer? Of course we are. On the other hand there are still a great many folks that will tell there kids to go ahead and "beat the shit out of," that faggot, that sissy, that nigger, that jew, that towel head, that dyke, and many more. I hope we really don't want people like that running our country. I sure as fuck don't. I have just used words I absolutely despise, and you all should hate them as well, but some of these folks you are voting for believe in them with all their ridiculous little minds. Let us move beyond small mindedness and into a bright new future....
Barack Obama… The name has conjured some incredibly varied ideas amongst our fellow countrymen. First people played upon the “Muslim” ness of the name. Come on you fucking morons.. The man was named after his father. Did he choose the name? I’m thinking, now stop me if I could be wrong, he did not. Did you, George Bush, the one in the White House right now, choose your name??? Then they said his pastor was wrong for being fiery and making anti-American statements. While I do not fault their logic on the “anti-American” part, I do wonder how these very same people who had a problem with him being Muslim can complain about his Christian pastor. Is there something not a bit oxymoronic about that? Both religions want their followers to testify about the virtues, not denounce their membership. The man has said he is a Christian, so… he is a Christian. We have no reason to doubt him.
That aside, I am watching the early returns at just 7:30 EDT. What I am seeing, though far from conclusive at this point, shows me that we as a nation are a bunch of fucking morons. We are voting along racial lines and some of us still believe the BULLSHIT that was started earlier in the race. Why, if that is not the case, did the McCain camp bring up that asshole preacher? No other reason that to "remind us that Barack is too radical...etc." Fuck them!!! Maybe we need something a bit more radical. Obviously these war loving motherfuckers haven't done much but keep us ridiculously in debt AND have us in a very precarious world position. If something drastic were to happen, we would not have the troops to do much. Go fucking going!!!!!!!!!
I feel we are on the cusp of a new world order but I hope it is the correct path. I think if McCain and his people, especially that freak Palin, get into office, we will immediately be written off by the global community and be on our own for truly the first time. Even our staunchest allies will not be able to continue to support such a ridiculous regime. They say they are not Bush, well, I doubt that, and those of you with a brain will agree with me.
I know there are some of you voting for the McCain ticket almost purely on the Right to Life Issue. I am a Right to Life (er) myself, but backyard abortions and unwanted babies, no matter how repellent we may think it is, are worse. I work with many children who were probably unwanted and definitely not correctly cared for. Though I would never wish to have not had the pleasure of working with them, I hate to think of the horrors they have been through in their lives.
I am off on a tangent, but I cannot bear to think of our country being run by a cry baby little rich boy. Barack is a self-made man who has gone through some shit my friends. Who among us has not? Not many. Yes, McCain was a prisoner of war, but read some of the things people who were there with him have to say. Pick up the Rolling Stone issue number: 1063 and read the Make Believe Maverick article. It will open your eyes, but I hope it is not too late.
I hope against hope that we do the right thing and give this a chance. I mean, why would anyone be dumb enough to agree with a statement such as that made by the Republican camp regarding how Barack wants to NEGOTIATE rather than jump into war. Are we not, in general, taught from early on that fighting is not the answer? Of course we are. On the other hand there are still a great many folks that will tell there kids to go ahead and "beat the shit out of," that faggot, that sissy, that nigger, that jew, that towel head, that dyke, and many more. I hope we really don't want people like that running our country. I sure as fuck don't. I have just used words I absolutely despise, and you all should hate them as well, but some of these folks you are voting for believe in them with all their ridiculous little minds. Let us move beyond small mindedness and into a bright new future....
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