Sunday, October 12, 2008

This Election we are going through.

It seems almost like a chore any more to be going through this infernally long election process. I have been a guarded Obama supporter since he began running, but I have become almost completely disenchanted with the entire thing by now. Don't get me wrong, The McCain/ Palin juggernaught scare the absolute fucking HELL out of me. Those two, I think, would usher in an era here-to-fore unknown to the people of the United States of America, then of course the world at large. I believe all the post-Armaggedon movies we have seen would be a walk in the park compared to what these two will cause, but that if for another time.

I began to worry about Barack almost right off the bat. I had read a series of Novels, and I need to stress that they were NOVELS, by Tim LeHayne and another guy of whom I cannot recall at this moment, about the "rapture and End Times as supposedly predicted in the Bible. It was calle the "Left Behind" series. They were incredibly thought provoking and something I had not really delved in to before. The thing that had to do with Barack, I know you were wondering if I had a point, was the description of the "Anti-Christ." Now don't get me wrong, I do not in any way see him as such, but the description in those novels fits his ascension to the top almost to a "T".


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