Sunday, February 07, 2010

Yell Governmental Job readiness program. LNE Associates

To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to my attention that there are certain jobs programs, specifically in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, being handled by private companies that are misusing tax dollars. I am an educator in a charter school in the city. Our ideal was to teach students the “life skills” needed to succeed in the world today. Of course, as with all good ideals, money and the ability to get it relatively easily by tapping into governmentally funded “pet” projects muddied the waters considerably. Our centers are now being geared more toward a traditional high school than the alternative pathway they should be, thereby, hurting still more of the most tenuous in our society. By that I mean: if we work to get these students to the next step, we may find a productive member of society, BUT if we keep holding them to some unrealistic standard such as attrition to college or passing some test of societal ideals, or even a trade school, we will lose them and quite often to the streets or our own back pockets.

The above is just a bit of background into why I am writing. The crux of the” what” is next. I personally know of at least one company that has use of stimulus funding in the form of youth job works programs, that is using funds incorrectly. Their programs are touted as job skills training and career readiness, while the reality is that, at least in one particular instance, one of the jobs sites is actually teaching how to “work the system.” LNE Associates in Cleveland, Ohio needs to be checked in order to determine if they are doing what is good for society and the clients they serve, OR just what is good for themselves in the form of government funding.

There is a client who works at a site in the City of Cleveland Heights that is my case in point. If it is happening for him, it is happening elsewhere. He has a schedule, set by LNE, which he has never been required to follow according to the job site coordinator. First red Flag! (A schedule must be followed if we are to get our clients to understand the importance of a work ethic). The schedule is to be 7AM to 11AM five days per week, which is a wonderful training experience. He went in his first day and worked for six hours, BUT according to the way his department does business, it was written down as eight because they got done with their work prior to the end of the shift. This is a government entity, which means I am paying for it with my tax dollars. If people are getting paid for 8 hours they had better be working for eight hours!!

This was not a singular instance. I have actually seen time sheets where the client has been signed for eight hours and has worked no more than three. I know this because I have actually seen him before and after the shift. Again, saying to a client that he is working the equivalent of an eight hour shift in two or three hours and actually paying him for the greater amount of time does not in any way help him learn a work ethic. In fact, it teaches him the absolute opposite.

Again, I want to reiterate that this is coming out of our collective pocket. We are paying taxes to support people who are getting paid for work they are not doing, some at a level of over $20.00 per hour. And we are funding a governmental jobs training program that is teaching its clients how to suck more money from the tax payers rather than contribute to the tax base. We really need to wake up and make sure this is stopped NOW!!!!!


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