Saturday, May 30, 2009

What's next?

I originally wrote this about the MORONS on the road, this is a rehash, so to speak. I was driving home yesterday and saw at least fifteen moronic things that make me wonder about the intelligence of the general public. Why, for instance, is it soo fucking important to get two cars beyond where you are that you get in between some one and make yourself and the vehicle behind you put one your brakes while traveling 60 plus? Another thing, While traveling east from MLK on Route 2.... The signs are up from about half way between the two, though they should be up from about 55th.... Why is it that even with that HUGE ORANGE sign saying that the RIGHT LANE ENDS ( you know what I am saying Sandy) people will.

l suddenly get into that right lane? Are people really that fucking stupid, I ask knowing full well they are.?

Going north on MLK from the hill down into University circle... First, I think the university circle rapid/bus station is horrendous. If I were from out of town I would be scared to death to go anywhere near that, really nice and inviting Cleveland (mind you I really love this city). Secondly, moving around the one way streets and the ridiculous pot holes ensures that you car, if driving it daily, will fall apart much more quickly than driving in the 'burbs ( one more reason to stay away). Lately I have been traveling north bound on MLK ( actually have been doing so for over a year now minus the time that Stokes was torn up near Euclid) and have found it backed up from around 105, just after the circle, which is another one of contention since people do not get the concept of YIELD, all the way to route 2/90. Fucking why?????? For GOD'S sake, the reason this roadway has no lights is to make it flow. BUT, fucking NO!!!!!! The retarded morons, yes I know that is redundant, stop the flow of traffic to let others get in. Do not fucking do that!!!!! This is not your little suburban world, nor is it your god damned neighborhood. Just fucking drive. There are natural ins and outs caused by that ridiculous light at the northern end. Don't' add to the stupidity. Some of you are afraid of a mean looking person, so what. He or she is driving a vehicle just like you. He or she will be just as unlikely to let someone in as you should have been, in fact he or she may be more aggravated hat you were dumb enough to let him in than if you had not.

Wake the fuck up and realize that "being nice" is not always what you think it is. Just fucking drive. Hell, pretend it is the seventies when we were all pretty much told not to stop at lights after a certain time, not that it is the same concept. Just GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And who in the fuck thought it would be a good idea to close the right lane between MLK and Eddy Road ( especially during rush hour since there seems to be nothing going on when I go by at 4:10 every day)??????? No one with any lick of sense, I am sure. Then they want to make Clevelanders feel comfortable by "moving" the bridge that they have already told us is not in very good shape and needs to be replaced. WHAT!!!!?????!!!!! This is a city in need of a huge revitalization. In fact, I don't know if I have already written about this, the mayor, Frank Jackson, was seen, by me, walking alone on Euclid Avenue near East 13th without any fanfare or entourage at about noon on a Sunday. In any REAL big city, that would never be allowed to happen. Though I find it quite cool, as I shook his hand and spoke to him for a moment, I also am saddened by the fact that the city is so complacent that he can walk around without anyone having ANYTHING to say. DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want us to do better.


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