Sunday, May 10, 2009

To those at the Eatery

I have been, lately, getting a TON of comments regarding the Lakeshore Eatery. Just to let you all know, I went there last weekend and it was quite good. I still have a HUGE problem with the way they greet their customers (We stood there for about five minutes before anyone even acknowledged we were there), but other than that, things definitely HAVE changed for the better. The food was excellent. They have those pancakes I have raved about with the malt, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. The chicken fried steak, according to my cohort, was great. The server, once we got beyond the seating thing, was pretty damned good. I do plan to go there for this Mother's Day thing, though I do so with much trepidation. The place is small and there are about 15 of us who want to go. There are no reservations being accepted, though I understand the reasoning, I patently disagree with the decision.. I will tell you all how it goes.........

Oh, and I DO understand the concept of a NEW place, which I do believe I mentioned in my original blog. Yes, things need to be worked out, and it will happen, but some of the problems can only be dealt with if they are acceped to be such. Problems. And, before anyone gets an attitude, I do have a right to write about these things. I have been a cook since I was 15 and am now 45. No, I am not a chef nor would I want to be, which is why I do not do many four star places, but I honestly DO get it. I can only, right now, say you need to work on your staff. It is a work in progress, but it should not be glaringly bad as some things have been. I also must say, the you female when we left was perfect in her ability to be a bit smart-ass while being sincere. Kudos! Really, she was fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you.

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!

7:37 PM  

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