Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I can't even name this one.

Our society has taken a decidedly ugly turn of late. Most of you are probably saying something like, "Of late? Where's this dumb-ass been?' Well, let me tell you...

I have been thinking about some things lately, which have made me do some back-tracking and soul-searching. I won't go too much into my background, that's for the cover of my book's dust jacket, but, suffice it to say, I know from whence I write this posting. I not only know it from schooling, I lived it as a child and have worked with it since I was 11.

As a college matriculated educator, my forte has always been the, "bad," kids, at least according to the other educators with whom I fight almost constantly. I guess it was due to being one of them myself that made me decide to get into the field in the first place. I always knew there had to be a better way to do things than the status quo. The thing I did not expect was that the status quo was like a mountain and I was no more than a dust mite. This has not changed over the years either, lucky me, huh? I will write this from a personal standpoint, but it is not about me it is about the manner in which certain, read that most, sectors of society treat the kids with whom I work. Shit is the word that comes to mind most readily, I must admit.

I am an educator at heart, and luckily, in most instances, by trade, too. For this reason it shocks me to see what is done to our children in the guise of, "exceptional educational practices." It is, in fact, appalling to have the government running the educational processes of our children. An inept, overburdened entity with too much power is the absolute LAST thing we want controlling our future (and what are our children but the future?). Since we seem to have lost the reason behind our government, I ask that we, at the very least, take back the education system and tell those fuckers what should be happening in the schools. We must tell them, they should not tell us. ( And I'm one of the proverbial, "them.") I have seen this bullshit from the inside for the last 16 years as well as from the side of the misunderstood kid for the 26 years prior to that. Come one everybody, it is time to take control. I know this might sound trite, but, hopefully, once I point out some things that are going on, maybe you'll be sickened enough (angry, pissed-off, hurt, saddened, or anything lake that) to force the "system" to change. After all, as I have written too many times already, WE run the show not THEM. We are the government so things should go as we say. The problem, of course, is that we rarely say anything. We continue to bitch about the manner in which things are run but let the same people come back and be our representatives. Can you say, "Duh?" What they fuck do you expect?


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