Friday, July 13, 2007

This is old but I want more people to read it.

The time has come for me to say what really needs to be spoken. I absolutely HATE the fact that some people take credit where no credit is due. This has not yet happened, as far as I know, but I am positive it will. I know I have let some people know about the place I work, or shall I say spend a great deal of time for SHIT money, but this fucking idiocy takes the proverbial cake….

The children, they are not really children at this point in their lives, decided we needed a prom, which we did. No one within the administration gave the prom a positive in any way.
Factually, it was put out to every high school person that someone, anyone, could help and/or do prom. I took it on. I have no problem doing what I can for my “kids”
Others, it seems, do. This prom was financed by ME, and a few of my friends. The school, which should have done everything in its power, did NOTHING. Horribly, the people who run, and own, the school made it difficult to even to raise funds to ensure the event would even be able to happen. I can tell you specifics… You may have been able to read them before; I want to cut to the proverbial “chase.”

There are, I assume, people within the administration that would like for the kids to do well. (I have a fear that they do not think of anything but themselves, but I digress.) BUT, I think there are more people whom would like noting more than to ensure that they can have a bit more money so they can go to Israel, because of their Jewish heritage, rather than do what they can, or are able. I can definitely feel the ramble here, but bear with me.

Nothing was offered to me in order to make this dance work. I can tell you that things were, in fact (I hate to over use this phrase, but it must be done.) downright awful such as: every time I tried to get funding, the woman who owns the company wanted my fund-raising money to go to some unknown account. I decided to disagree and refuse, though she did not know. She still has over $100.00 that is prom money. I asked her to cut a check and she said, “NO!” How in the world can anyone think they have the right to tell someone that raised money they cannot get that money?

I run a store within the school that actually makes money. We gross about $150.00 each day. The business manager of the store requested some money for the prom but the owner of the school, mind you, the money we net is supposed to go only to the high school (could prom be something for the high school?) and the athletic department, once again told her “NO.” None of us, meaning high school and athletics, have seen one red cent. We have made over $4000.00 since the inception of the store that is run wholly by students, who get no pay, and ourselves, who also get no pay, but rather than act as if she cares, the owner keeps the money somewhere and gives us headaches.

In my mind, things will get back to her at some point, She has got to be one of the most incredibly RUDE people I have ever had the displeasure of having to meet. She thinks she knows everything there is to know about everything. The woman even had the audacity to say to one of our fellows, whom had a carjacking incident, “What is that?” We work in Glenville, which is one of the highest crime areas in Cleveland and she said that!!!!! This fucking woman is so out of touch with reality that I cannot even imagine her mindset.

The rude factor is something I cannot ignore. I remember something she said last year, when we were at a building that we got kicked out of, regarding being nice and polite to the people with whim we meet on a daily basis, meaning parents and such. The next Monday, because her speech was on a Friday, She walked by four people and then me without saying one word. Every one of us had said hello to her but she, because she acts as if she is more important than anyone else, just kept on moving. This, my friends, is the owner of a school. There is no more human centered business in the world than a school, but this CUNT is too into herself to even talk to her “underlings.”

Next step: People who think they know things by going to classes recently should be forced to speak with people who have been doing the work for YEARS. My case(s) in point are as follows: IEPs are the bane of my existence, but a necessary evil. I have been writing them since 1992, therefore I might have a clue as to how they need to be done, you might think. BUT these fucking idiots, with their new found (lack of) knowledge, have the audacity to tell me what I need to do to stay in compliance with the state requirements. The first thing they forget is the FACT that I will never do anything that would put my credentials, legally, in jeopardy, which obviously means that I will do things in accordance with the rules. The second thing they do not realize is that I alone have the experience writing these Godforsaken documents above EVERY other person in the employ of the company. But, alas, I am not one of their “chosen people.” I am but an infidel or something. I guess that 15 years of writing and knowledge is not enough for their single year. The person that runs the department, though I absolutely love her, didn’t even write one of these before 2005. She is the one attempting to tell me what to do. Again, I love the woman, she is a great person, but she does not know how to make the document worth a shit. I don’t even want to think about this part right now.

Back to prom….. There were only a few people I can consider helpful in this endeavor. The first person on my list is Nichole Carpenter. This woman, coming in to our fucked up world late, has been nothing but a dream to me. She works her ass off and really loves MY kids. She has been hooked-up with some, in my mind, shady people, but has her heart in the right place and will do VERY well in this profession. (My sadness is that she will get sick of the bullshit inherent in the profession and will find something better to do with her life) Amelia Gray, Jodie Dalrymple, Dominique Williams, Latrell Saulsberry (the best helper a person could ever have), Caroline Lebel-Smith (my Frannnch friend) Irene and Jordan Javier (thank you so much) and Ms. Mills, Shurray and Sune Stamper, Benitra Fair, Samathryn Witham, and anyone else I may have forgotten. OOPS, the parents, too. Ms. Evans and the mother of LaNeise and Terese, sorry, I do not know the correct name and that Title guy that Nichole brought (honestly, dude, take a proverbial chill pill and have some fun. No one needs a stick-in-the mud. Why, by the way, did you find it necessary to bitch about the parking situation upon entering the lot? Also, why would you think, after being told, that you should go start eating MY food? The food was for the kids and came out of my pocket, but you were the first person I saw with something on a plate. Are you that fucking stupid?). The rest of you can go fuck yourselves. Our supposed head of the high school never showed up or even called. The owner was the same. At least the head of the school came for a moment, and decided that she should tell me to call the DJ, fuck face that he was, because I probably didn’t know what to do but needed her input when the fucker left the kids without music for the first hour. I am glad you all came; this includes Maggie, the head of the elementary school (she showed up but the head of the high school didn’t, what’s up with that?), Molly Mokros, the high school English teacher. No other high school teachers showed nor helped, fuck you guys, too. Oh, and I almost forgot my favorite new Title person, even though she abandoned me for those evil title brats, Ms…..

Prom worked, thank you very much, but it was not for anyone but my crew and me. I know you imbeciles will try to take credit, but you cannot. I did it with the help of those mentioned above. No one else had ANYTHING to do with it. My kids were incredibly well dressed and acted in a manner befitting their ability. I would take any of them with me anywhere I might go. I know they could handle themselves in a manner worth their while. You guys fucking ROCK. I love you all more than you will ever know. I even had to leave the festivities for a while because I started to cry over the incredible wonder you all showed me. LaGena, you are incredible, thank you. I cannot wait to find out what you will do in the future. Martika, fucking wow, you are a wonderful person. Thank you for being you.

Dominique, what can I say, I am never worried about what you can do. I ask from you and I receive. You have NEVER let me down and I do not think you ever would. I know I have not been very nice lately, but you need to know I not only care about you, I want the very best and will do what I can to make that happen. You are like a son, so don’t fuck up.

Latrell: I am sooooo impressed with you. You found your way to us, dressed to the nines I might add, and never complained. Everything I asked you to do, you did without question. I could only wish my kids were like you, they weren’t. I hope the world will appreciate you as time goes on because I do. I wish the world for you and hope nothing bad ever happens. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please let me know, because I will.


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