Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Hello everyone. I am just going to drop a line to ensure we all remember what the reason for this day is. We need to remember those who have fought to keep our relative freedom(s) in place. We also need to remember who it was that put those youngsters in harms way to begin with. Politicians cause wars that they sit in their ivory towers commanding without so much as a speck of lint on their hands. Yes, I realize that there are times when this is seemingly necessary, but now is not one of them. We have allowed our politicians to create a situation that was not there before and now there is no way out. Think back to the wonderful Black Sabbath song, "War Pigs". Dig out the album, find the CD, do whatever you must, but start playing the song at the highest volume possible and dedicate it to our politicians. The song speaks volumes, almost more so than when it was written. That's it for today.. Thanks and stay safe.


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