Monday, May 22, 2006

Smirnoff twisted V game

Regarding the Smirnoff Twisted VI game. have been trying to get this game to work, yes I have done everything I am supposed to do. It worked once, 5-20-2006. I have tried at least 10 times today, which is much more than I would usually do before pitching a major bitch, and none have worked. I keep getting an "error" message. Then I'll get a message stating that the code was already used, which is not possible as I used three, only thus far, and threw them directly into my recycler. I try again and the error message comes back. I just tried again and it said that I had already entered a code. I DID try to do that but it kicked me off and gave me that error message. Before you even ask, I turned off my pop-up blocker and that didn't work either.
I think it is a great idea to have a promotion such as this because I have come to drink almost exclusively the grape and orange malt beverages (although a lite version might be cool). BUT it might help to make sure it actually works. If this crap keeps up I will be forced to find a company that makes a claim about having a promotion and that promotion does what it says it will do. Let me know when that happens.


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