Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Campbells' soup

I have not ever had to write to you all before, but something has forced my hand. Before we go any further, I want you to understand that this is not an extortion attempt or a prelude to litigation, though I CAN understand how people get to that point when things such as this happen.

My brother-in-law was merrily eating one of the Soup at Hand Cream of Broccolis, and was nearly done I might add, when he said he felt something odd. He though it may have just been a tough part of the stalk which happens at times. Well, when he pulled it out of his mouth, it had bark on it as in a stick from a bush or tree. I have grown broccoli before and have never seen it look like that before on the stalks or after having gone to seed or any other manner. I have the empty container with the offensive piece of whatever in a plastic bag on my desk right now. Please be sure that your quality control takes a bit more time. Although this was not a large piece of wood, it was big enough to have caused a great deal of discomfort on the way down the esophogas. The numbers are as follows: DEC 13 2007 WSF RB YE 12136


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